Monday, January 21, 2013


"For only through understanding I am able to love. And love is so rare nowadays. And understanding is a life-time job."

Found this on facebook and I'm so moved by these words. Well said.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Saturday, January 5, 2013

NYE 2012

It's already the fifth day of 2013, time passes by so fast. The way I celebrated my new year's eve is still clear on my mind hahaha. Celebrated with the usual people minus the best friend ): at The Curve and left for Teck Li's place after that. My friends drank and I had a few shots and by a few shots I mean two, or three. Took care of my friend and I got a litttttlllllle high myself hahahha, I suck.
Let's hope it was a good start of a new year! 

Have a great year ahead, evry1 ☺